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You can contact ARCHITETTO ITALIANO by sending an e-mail to:

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Subject: Informative note about DL 196 on 30/06/03 (Unique Paper about Privacy – Italian law)
We inform you that the data collected by registering your name or those found by us while searching in public recordings, lists or documents accessible to anybody, will be used for commercial, promotional and advertising purposes as well for management and statistics’ activities.
We will correctly treat the personal data with maximum privacy and fairness. They are recorder, organized and stored in digital and/or paper archives. We could communicate the data to our sales network, to consultants for accounting/sales purposes, to transporters who will delivery the goods/material and to controlling, controlled or partner companies. We inform that if interested you can ask and obtain what is foreseen by the art. n.13 of the above mentioned law.
The owner of the data treatment is Piero Galli.

Architetto Italiano - - PI 98183440175